Saturday, January 17, 2009


I wanted to share with you all (and jot these down before I forget) some of Alahna's latest funnies! This girl cracks me up all day long! Now that she is talking in short sentences I hear some of the cutest and funniest things! Like last night she picked up my cell phone, which has a picture of her on the screen, and tells me, "I cute." I said to her, "yes, you are!"
We are always telling her we love her and ask her if she loves us too. She says yes and then we ask her, "how much?" And she says matter-of-factly, "Much!"
And this morning she would not eat her oatmeal for breakfast (we have days where she refuses to eat, I guess today is going to be one of them...) so I ask her, "well what do you think you would eat for breakfast instead?" And without skipping a beat she says, "Hot dogs!" I was rolling on the floor laughing so hard!
Every day is something new with my crazy-but-fun toddler! And I feel truly blessed to be able to stay home with her right now!